Services & Spiritual Ministries
For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 619-588-6881 and we will get you in touch
with the proper coordinator. Thank you
Altar and Rosary Society
Homebound Ministry
Knights of Columbus
Prayer Group
Bible Study
Culture of Life
Altar and Rosary Society
The Altar and Rosary Society meets on the third Tuesday of every month in St. Mary’s Meeting Room. The primary purpose of the society is to assist in the maintenance of liturgical vestments and vessels. This also includes the care and cleaning of the altar linens. Periodically, it becomes necessary to replace some liturgical items, so the society engages in a number of fund raising activities to help defray the expense. These activities consist of Sunday morning coffee and doughnuts, periodic bake sales and dinners. Membership is open to all members of the parish. Membership obligations include annual dues of $5.00 and financial or physical aid, in the society’s parish functions. We urge all members of St. Kieran to become members of the Altar and Rosary Society and to join in prayer at one of the quarterly Masses for members’ intentions.
Homebound Ministry
Members of St. Kieran Parish, installed as Eucharistic Ministers, make it possible for the homebound, those confined to an ongoing care facility, as well as the terminally ill, to receive Eucharist. These ministers also provide the homebound with friendly visits and telephone reassurance. In addition, St. Kieran’s Pastor is available, upon request, to administer the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. Parishioners are encouraged to let us know of those in need of assistance. We invite all interested parishioners to serve as lay ministers or friendly visitors.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus began in 1882, when Father Michael McGivney and a small group of Catholics founded a society designed to provide much needed security for widows and orphans in Catholic families. The idea quickly became an Order of Catholic men who dedicate themselves to promoting the concepts of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Today there are over 1,750,000 members all over the world. The Knights of Columbus share in the apostolate of the Catholic Church. Above all, they support the parish priest and parish programs as well as promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, prayer (particularly the rosary), religious education, parish and community activities. St. Kieran’s Council #11127 has been serving the parish and community since 1993. Our activities include serving occasional Parish Dinners. We support the community with services such as visiting the sick and participating in the Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll weekend which supports the physically challenged in El Cajon.
Culture of Life
“In its social service mission, the Church seeks to safeguard and promote the fundamental human right to life and to life with dignity for people of every culture and status within society.”*
The parish representatives to the Diocese for the Culture of Life attend meetings quarterly at the Office of Social Ministry in order to bring information to our parish regarding what is happening in our Diocese and community in this regard.
Fundraising projects for three important life organizations which were supported whole heartedly by the parishioners are: (1)Life Perspectives, (2)East County Pregnancy Center and (3)Culture of Life Family Services. Opportunities for the parishioners to get involved with the support of initiatives which involve life sustaining issues, such as assisted suicide and the Parental Notification Initiative are available
This ministry is open to any and all interested people in the parish regardless of age. Your support for this ministry is greatly needed and would be appreciated.
*Quote from Diocesan Handbook