Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Please contact the Parish Office at 619-588-6881 to inquire about our ministries and how you can participate at our Parish by way of ministry.

Altar Servers- youth needed to assist during weekend Masses and students encouraged to assist during Wednesday school Mass.

 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion In this ministry we serve the Church by distributing communion to the faithful during Mass. A number of these ministers are also involved in our Homebound Ministry. All adult members of the parish who participate in Mass regularly are prospective candidates for this ministry.

Ministers of the Word An opportunity to proclaim the Word of God at Mass is available to the laity. This ministry is open to adults and teens who have been confirmed, have good speaking skills and a sincere desire to share God’s word with others. Generally, each lector serves once or twice a month at the Mass he/she regularly attends. Individuals expressing an interest in this ministry receive training and an opportunity to attend workshops that help deepen their understanding of Scripture. Our parish is always in need of additional lectors.

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