Religious Education

Religious Education Information

Kinder through High School Confirmation: You can fill out the online Religious Education Form which can be found under the "Religious Education" tab.


For more information, please contact the coordinator listed below.

Religious Education and Youth Group (kinder-middle school) - Mrs. Nathalie Horning-

Adult Education, R.C.I.A. -  Contact Office - 619-588-6881


The Mission of Religious Education

 Religious Education finds its basis in the dual mission of evangelization and catechesis which springs forth from the Sacrament of Baptism.  Through Baptism we become children of God, and our parents, on our behalf, accept Christ’s mandate to make disciples of all peoples and nations (Matthew 28:19-20.)  We are called to be faithful and to hand on the faith, to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known to others.  To present the content of the Catholic faith authentically and completely requires collaboration with parents and other Christians, especially members of the parish.  All those who teach must do so under the direction of the diocesan bishop (Bishop Robert H. Brom) and their pastor (Father Ben Davison.)


Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children and have the Mission of teaching their children to pray and discover their vocation as children of God.  (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2223 & #2226)

The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents. 
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2226)


Kindergarten - Confirmation
Our Religious Education Program is designed to give children a firm foundation built on the basic tenets of our faith. The books used to convey this knowledge are the very best!


The Confirmation program is designed to foster and encourage young people

  • to deepen their faith commitment
  • to pursue a deeper involvement in parish life, to develop a stronger sense of responsibility to the larger community through social ministry, and
  • to participate in social activities with their peers in Youth Group.


Confirmation (First year beginning in 9th grade)

The Confirmation program is meant to help the candidates understand themselves and their faith through study and action in relation to themselves and others, as they continue on their journey of faith.  Each candidate is required to participate in a 2 year preperation program (per diocesean policies). First year participating in weekly classes and being active with the Youth Group, Second year of straight forward Confirmation Preperation including weekly classes, service hours and a weekend retreat. The sessions lead to an authentic understanding of what it means to be a true believing Catholic Christian and an active member of a faith community designed for High School age Youth.  Candidates are encouraged to ask questions and to share their thoughts.


The catechists for the entire program, are volunteers who share their love of the Lord with their students and direct them to a more loving Christian life.  If you feel you have a gift for teaching or working with children, we ask you to consider Religious Education as a way of service to the parish.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The R.C.I.A. process provides formation for individuals out of high school & for children and youth who have never been baptized for reception into the Catholic Faith through the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.) This also provides an opportunity to attend classes on pertinent topics for spiritual growth.

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